Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bento for 6/18

I actually had this on Sunday afternoon at home and then brought essentially the same thing in my bento for lunch the next day (didin't take a picture). Ernie was cooking off burgers on the grill and I wanted something lighter so I had him grill up a couple of my new favorite Trader Joe's find; Chile Lime Chicken Burgers!

While he cooked them I washed up a mess of lettuce from our CSA, sliced up some radishes from our garden, grated some carrots, sliced some cukes and sprinkled on some sugar snap peas (I counted all the veggies as 1 point). I topped all that with some salsa fresca (0), some shredded cheese (2), the burger (2) and 2 T of TJ's Parmesan Ranch (1). It was A LOT of food for 6 points. Awesome!
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